Add New Video: YouTube & Vimeo

LYNX Video Player supports fetching videos from YouTube or Vimeo using their video URLs or IDs. Follow these steps to add a new video from YouTube or Vimeo:

  • Enable “LYNX Videos” in the “LYNX Add-ons Options” page.
  • Navigate to the “LYNX Videos” menu in the admin dashboard and click on “Add New Video.”
  • Add a title for your video.
  • Select the “Single Video” option from the “Video Options” fields.

Add YouTube Video:

  • In the “Video Source” field, choose “YouTube.”
  • Insert the YouTube video URL or ID.
  • Enter the video duration, which will be applied to the video thumbnails.
  • Add a description for the video.
  • Select or create a channel for the video.
  • Choose or add a new video category for the video.
  • Add hashtags for the video.
  • Set the video’s featured image.
  • To automatically fetch the video’s featured image from YouTube, check the “Auto upload from YouTube thumbnail” option in the “Feature Image From URL” field. This will automatically fetch the thumbnail from the YouTube video URL you provided.

Add Vimeo Video

  • In the “Video Source” field, choose “Vimeo.”
  • Insert the Vimeo video URL or ID.
  • Enter the video duration, which will be applied to the video thumbnails.
  • Add a description for the video.
  • Select a channel for the video.
  • Choose or add a new video category for the video.
  • Add hashtags for the video.
  • Set the video’s featured image.

Click on “Publish” button to publish the video.