Enable AMP & Configure AMP Setup

You Should Install & ActivateLYNX Add-ons” Plugin to use this feature with “V-blogs Creative” Theme.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source framework designed by Google to create fast-loading mobile web pages. It prioritizes speed and user experience, offering a streamlined version of web pages for mobile users.

Enabling AMP with VBC: VBC is compatible with the “AMP plugin by AMP Project Contributors,” allowing you to utilize this feature by following these steps:

Install AMP Plugin

  1. Go to the Add New plugin page in your WordPress dashboard and search for “AMP.”
  2. Locate “AMP” by AMP Project Contributors from the search results.
  3. Click on the “Install Now” button and after installation complete, click on “Activate” button to active the plugin .

Onboarding Wizard Setup

  1. Click on the “Open the onboarding wizard” link in the AMP plugin settings.
  2. Click on “Next” button on wizard box.
  3. Choose the “Non-technical or wanting a simpler setup” option if you prefer a simpler setup process.
    • If you are comfortable with technical configurations, select the “Developer or technically savvy” option for more control.
  4. After the site scan completes, ignore any notices and click on the “Next” button to proceed.
  5. Choose the “Reader” template mode for a clean and simple layout optimized for readability.
  6. Theme Selection:
    • Select the “AMP Legacy” theme for compatibility with VBC’s design and features.
    • You are done and click on Close button.

Configuration AMP Settings

  1. Navigate to AMP Settings:
    • Locate and click on the “AMP” menu at the bottom of your dashboard menu bar.
  2. Checking Up AMP Compatibility:
    • Locate and click on “Site Scan“.
    • Look for a green notification indicating that there are no issues with your site’s AMP compatibility.
    • Click on “Rescan Site” to double-check and confirm that there are no issues.
    • If there are notifications indicating AMP issues and incompatibilities, immediately deactivate the plugin.
    • Contact support for assistance and to report the issues.
  3. If Compatibility passed:
  4. Configure Paired URL Structure:
    • Scroll down and click on “Paired URL Structure.”
    • Here, you can set up the AMP slug for your AMP pages. Choose a suitable slug for your site.
  5. Further Configuration Options:
    • Click on “Other” to access more configuration options for your AMP pages.
    • Recommended disabling “Redirect mobile visitors to AMP“, because V-Blogs Creative theme already provides a mobile-friendly layout. This option ensures that visitors using mobile devices are automatically redirected to the AMP version of your pages.
    • You can evaluate the benefits of faster loading pages on AMP compared to responsive pages and choose the option that best suits your website’s needs.
  6. Save Settings:
    • Click on “Save” to save your configuration settings.

Configuration AMP Options

  1. Navigate to AMP Settings:
    • Navigate the “AMP Options” menu at the bottom of your dashboard menu bar and click on “Settings” submenu.
  2. Back to Top Button:
    • Enable or disable the “Back to Top” button using the toggle switch.
  3. Google Analytics:
    • Toggle the Google Analytics switch to enable or disable tracking.
    • Insert your Google Analytics Tracking ID in the provided field.
  4. AMP Navigation:
    • Toggle the AMP Menu switch to enable or disable the AMP menu.
    • Select an existing menu from the dropdown if you’ve already created one for AMP. If not, create a new menu.
  5. Social Share Buttons:
    • Check the box to enable social share buttons based on your preferences.

Configure these options according to your preferences and click on “Save” to apply the changes.