LYNX Contact Form: Overview & Introduction

Welcome to LYNX Contact Form, a user-friendly tool designed to help you create contact forms and contact pages effortlessly. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, you can easily set up a contact form and contact page for your website.

Key Features

  • Simple Contact Form Creation: Easily create and customize contact forms without any coding knowledge.
  • SMTP Mail Server Integration: Configure SMTP settings to integrate with your email server or use the simpler Gmail integration option.
  • Contact Page Builder: Build comprehensive contact pages with address, email, Google Maps, and the contact form.

Getting Started

  1. Install LYNX Add-ons: If you haven’t already, install and activate the LYNX Add-ons plugin on your WordPress website.
  2. Activate LYNX Contact Form: Activate the LYNX Contact Form add-on within the LYNX Add-ons settings.
  3. SMTP Mail Server Setup: Configure SMTP settings for advanced email functionality or use the Gmail integration for a simpler setup.
  4. Create Your Contact Form: Use the intuitive form builder to create your contact form, customizing it to your needs.
  5. Generate Shortcode: Once your form is configured, generate a shortcode for the form.
  6. Embed Your Form: Paste the shortcode into any post, page, or widget where you want the contact form to appear.
  7. Create Your Contact Page: Use the LYNX Contact Form to build a comprehensive contact page with address, email, Google Maps, and the contact form.