LYNX Tabs: Create jQuery Tabs

You need to install & activate LYNX Add-ons plugin, since this is a part of the plugin !

jQuery tabs allow you to organize and present content in a tabbed format, providing a neat and user-friendly way to navigate through information. With LYNX Tabs, you can easily create jQuery tabs for your website.

Enable LYNX Tabs:

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to LYNX Add-ons Options.
  • Enable the “LYNX Tabs” item.
  • Save the options and refresh the page.

Create New Tabs:

  • Once enabled, you’ll see the “LYNX Tabs” menu item in the admin dashboard menu.
  • Click on “Create New Tabs” submenu to open the creation page.

Add Tab Details:

  • Add a title to identify your tabs.
  • Choose the tabs style: Horizontal or Vertical.
  • Select a template from the pre-built options with image previews.

Customize Tab Navigation:

Choose whether to include next/prev buttons for tab navigation.

Create Tabs:

  • Click on the “Add tabs” button to add a new tab.
  • For each tab, set the navigation title, icon (optional), and content.

Publish the Tabs:

  • Click “Publish” to save your tabs.

Insert the Tabs:

  • After publishing, copy the shortcode provided above the publish button.
  • Paste the shortcode into your posts or pages where you want to add the tabs.

Additional Options:

  • You can also insert the tabs using the post editor block or in widget areas. Follow this documentation here for these methods.