LYNX Travel: Add New Destination

This guide will help you add a new travel destination to your LYNX Travel website.

Note: You can gain a better understanding of Travel Destination Elements by inspecting this image here.

  1. Navigate to “LYNX Travel” Menu:
    • Go to the admin menu bar and click on the “LYNX Travel” menu, then select the “Add New” submenu.
  2. Add Destination Details:
    • Enter the destination’s name or title in the provided field.
    • Add a motto or quote for the destination to give it a unique identity.
    • Write a detailed description of the travel destination.
  3. Travel Destination Type:
  4. Travel Page Configurations:
    • Configure the featured section:
      • Select a layout from “Featured Layout 1” or “Featured Layout 2“.
      • Add images for the featured image slider.
    • Configure blocks for the destination page. Refer to the “Adding Blocks (Travel Page Configurations)” documentation for details.
  5. Add Travel Destination Featured Image:
    • Upload a featured image for the travel destination.
  6. Publish Destination:
    • Click on the “Publish” button to publish the new travel destination on your website.

By following these steps, you can easily add a new travel destination to your LYNX Travel website and provide valuable information to your users.