Section Widgets: Create New Widget-area/Sidebar

Ever wanted your widgets to dance to your tune? The ‘Section Widgets’ lets you call the shots. Here’s how to summon new widget-areas and make them groove to your content:

Available Widgets/Widget-Areas/Sidebar

Behold your existing kingdom of widgets. These are your default areas where widgets currently reside. A screenshot paints a thousand words!

Creating New Widget-Area

  1. Spot the Add New button in ‘Create Custom Widget-Area‘ field.
  2. Click it and behold two mighty fields – ‘Widget-Area Title‘ and ‘Widget-Area Description.’
  3. Name your new area, add a description (optional), and save the options.

Checking Newly Added Custom Wigets

  1. Refresh your browser (Ajax Save enabled).
  2. You can see the the newly added custom widget areas in “Available default widget-areas/sidebar” with non-checked lists.
  3. To find in Widgets page, go to AppearanceWidgets

You can find the newly added custom widget areas there in the admin widgets page as follows in screenshots:

In Block Widget Editor:

In Classic Widget Editor:

Now, your widgets have a new home. Customize these areas to your heart’s content. Add the right widgets, and let the sidebars sing your tune.